Number of Winn-Dixie stores in the United States

Data updated on March, 2024

How many Winn-Dixie stores are there in the United States?

States and Territories

As of March, 2024, there are 562 Winn-Dixie stores in the United States. These stores are located in 5 states and territories and 247 cities.

The state with the most Winn-Dixie locations is Florida, with 419 stores. This is about 75% of all Winn-Dixie locations in the United States.

The city with the most Winn-Dixie locations is Jacksonville, with 23 locations. This is about 4% of all Winn-Dixie locations in the United States.

Map of Winn-Dixie stores in the United States

Top States with the most Winn-Dixie stores

75% of US Winn-Dixie

About 20 locations per 1M people. One location for every 51265 people.

8% of US Winn-Dixie

About 9 locations per 1M people. One location for every 113953 people.

5% of US Winn-Dixie

About 6 locations per 1M people. One location for every 155000 people.

2% of US Winn-Dixie

About 1 locations per 1M people. One location for every 816923 people.

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store Stores per 1M
Florida 419 (75%) 21.48M 51265  20
Alabama 43 (8%) 4.90M 113953  9
Louisiana 30 (5%) 4.65M 155000  6
Georgia 13 (2%) 10.62M 816923  1
Mississippi 6 (1%) 2.98M 496667  2

There are Winn-Dixie stores in 5 states and territories in the United States

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States and Territories without any Winn-Dixie stores

There are 51 states and territories without Winn-Dixie stores in the United States

North Dakota
New Hampshire
Puerto Rico

Cities with the most number of Winn-Dixie stores in the United States

City State / Territory Number of stores
Jacksonville Florida 23
Tampa Florida 17
Miami Florida 15
Pensacola Florida 7
Fort Myers Florida 6
New Port Richey Florida 6
St Augustine Florida 6
Bradenton Florida 6
Panama City Florida 5
Mobile Alabama 6

Extract Winn-Dixie store data from Google Maps

Use our Google Maps scraper to extract a complete dataset of Winn-Dixie locations, including address, phone number, hours of operation, and other relevant information.

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Here is a sample of the data that you can extract:

position title website phone address rating reviews type
1 A & C Grocery undefined (212) 491-5159 2417 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd, New York, NY 10030 4.6 10 Grocery store
2 Yes Super Market undefined (973) 732-0809 12 New York Ave, Newark, NJ 07105 3.3 3 Grocery store
Get more data on Winn-Dixie stores with our ready-made solutions

Quickly and easily extract business data, including business type, phone, address, website, ratings, number of reviews, and more, from hundreds of businesses…

Yellow Pages Scraper is the perfect solution for quickly and easily extracting business data! With no coding required, you can now scrape important information…

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