Number of Steak 'n Shake restaurants in the United States

Data updated on March, 2024

How many Steak 'n Shake restaurants are there in the United States?

States and Territories

As of March, 2024, there are 387 Steak 'n Shake restaurants in the United States. These restaurants are located in 22 states and territories and 286 cities.

The state with the most Steak 'n Shake locations is Florida, with 85 restaurants. This is about 22% of all Steak 'n Shake locations in the United States.

The city with the most Steak 'n Shake locations is Indianapolis, with 15 locations. This is about 4% of all Steak 'n Shake locations in the United States.

Map of Steak 'n Shake restaurants in the United States

Top States with the most Steak 'n Shake restaurants

22% of US Steak 'n Shake

About 4 locations per 1M people. One location for every 252706 people.

14% of US Steak 'n Shake

About 4 locations per 1M people. One location for every 226250 people.

13% of US Steak 'n Shake

About 8 locations per 1M people. One location for every 131961 people.

10% of US Steak 'n Shake

About 3 locations per 1M people. One location for every 292250 people.

State / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant Restaurants per 1M
Florida 85 (22%) 21.48M 252706  4
Illinois 56 (14%) 12.67M 226250  4
Indiana 51 (13%) 6.73M 131961  8
Ohio 40 (10%) 11.69M 292250  3
Missouri 42 (11%) 6.14M 146190  7
Georgia 26 (7%) 10.62M 408462  2
Texas 18 (5%) 29.00M 1611111  1
Kentucky 18 (5%) 4.47M 248333  4
Tennessee 14 (4%) 6.83M 487857  2
Michigan 12 (3%) 9.99M 832500  1

There are Steak 'n Shake restaurants in 22 states and territories in the United States

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States and Territories without any Steak 'n Shake restaurants

There are 34 states and territories without Steak 'n Shake restaurants in the United States

American Samoa
New Jersey
New York

Cities with the most number of Steak 'n Shake restaurants in the United States

City State / Territory Number of restaurants
Indianapolis Indiana 15
Saint Louis Missouri 8
Tampa Florida 6
Orlando Florida 7
Springfield Missouri 6
Columbus Ohio 5
Cincinnati Ohio 3
Fort Lauderdale Florida 3
Lakeland Florida 3
Fort Wayne Indiana 3

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Here is a sample of the data that you can extract:

position title website phone address rating reviews type
1 Shake Shack Midtown East (646) 668-4880 600 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10016 4.4 3531 Hamburger restaurant
2 J's Shakes n Sliders undefined 3114 Tonnele Ave, North Bergen, NJ 07047 3.7 3 Hamburger restaurant
3 Shake Shack Madison Square Park (212) 889-6600 23rd Street and, Madison Square Park, Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010 4.5 6551 Hamburger restaurant
4 Shake Shack Herald Square (646) 230-0696 1333 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 4.5 9872 Hamburger restaurant
5 Shake Shack Theater District (646) 435-0135 691 8th Ave, New York, NY 10036 4.4 13386 Hamburger restaurant
6 Shake Shack 1700 Broadway - 53rd & 7th (917) 942-6038 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019 4.2 1844 Hamburger restaurant
7 Shake Shack Grand Central Terminal (646) 517-5804 Lower Level Dining Concourse, 89 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017 4.2 2855 Hamburger restaurant
8 J&A Burgers N' Shakes (929) 397-3134 264 Bleecker St, Brooklyn, NY 11237 4.2 205 Hamburger restaurant
9 Shake Shack 630 Lexington Ave - 54th & Lex (646) 741-6103 630 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022 4 541 Hamburger restaurant
10 Shake Shack West Village (646) 517-1541 225 Varick St, New York, NY 10014 4.4 1524 Hamburger restaurant
11 Shake n Burger (718) 523-1900 147-01 Liberty Ave, Queens, NY 11435 4.3 289 Hamburger restaurant
12 Harlem Shake Express (646) 771-1774 40-05 Skillman Ave, Queens, NY 11104 4.5 11 Hamburger restaurant
13 Shake Shack Bryant Park (646) 517-6142 120 W 42nd St Suite-Retail C, New York, NY 10036 4.2 701 Hamburger restaurant
14 Shake Shack Upper West Side (646) 747-8770 366 Columbus Ave, New York, NY 10024 4.3 7525 Hamburger restaurant
15 Shake Shack Astor Place (646) 813-2189 20 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10003 4.3 2084 Hamburger restaurant
16 Shake Shack Battery Park City (646) 545-4600 215 Murray Street, New York, NY 10282 4.3 3443 Hamburger restaurant
17 Shake Shack Hudson Yards (646) 380-4944 500 W 33rd St, New York, NY 10001 4.2 1076 Hamburger restaurant
18 Burger & Shake Co. undefined (212) 918-1359 1625 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10031 4.6 81 Hamburger restaurant
19 Shake Shack Upper East Side (646) 237-5035 154 East 86th St, New York, NY 10028 4.3 4769 Hamburger restaurant
20 Ben & Jack's Steakhouse (212) 682-5678 219 E 44th St, New York, NY 10017 4.5 663 Steak house
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